Herb Garden Box

Herb Garden Box

Herb Garden Box

I just love Summer – sunshine, BBQs, fresh produce and my herb garden box.  My guy built me a 7-foot wide and 4-foot tall garden box two Summers ago where I can grow herbs and a few small vegetables.  I love the fact that I can simply walk onto my deck and pick fresh herbs to enhance our Summer foods.  This year, I planted: flat leaf parlsey, cilantro, sage, sweet and Thai basils, rosemary and Greek oregano.

What herbs are you growing this Summer?


  1. Brian
    Twitter: norcalwingman

    Fresh herbs are the best. I have oregano and rosemary (now bushes) and have some thyme and basil in small pots on the patio.

    My biggest struggle is with the snails and slugs. I need to figure something out to keep them from mowing down my veg and herbs. I can’t stand those slimy buggers!


  2. Brian, is your elevated? I find that’s been my saving grace. Plus, I put it on the patio as we have tons of deer around.