Happy Father’s Day – Bonne Fete des Peres

Happy Father’s Day – Bonne Fete des Peres

I can’t say that dad was a huge influence on my love of cooking when I was growing up.  As far as I can recall, his home cooking repertoire was limited to pan-fried steak and sautéed canned mushrooms.  One thing my dad fixed that I absolutely loved though, was spit-roasted lamb that would develop a beautiful lacquered skin and was juicy and a perfect food.  What fun it was to party all day while watching the lamb roast over a wood fire.

One of my dad’s love that I inherited later in life is the love of wine.  Dad spends several weeks each year in France and has toured many wineries throughout that country.  His cellar is his pride and joy and features mostly French wines, but a few other little gems that he’s saving for special occasions.  We love to compare notes on what each other’s drinking and he enjoys reading this blog and seeing my wine reviews.

To all the fathers out there, a very happy father’s day.  To my dad, the guy who instilled strong work ethic in me and is starting to like American wine, bonne fête des pères!
