Out with the New, In with the Old

Out with the New, In with the Old

Me on my 3rd birthday

Today, I turn 40 years-old.  I come to this milestone with satisfaction, both personally and professionally.  To keep this post food and wine-focused, I’ll reminisce about some birthday traditions and memorable birthday meals I’ve cherished over the years.

When I was growing up in Quebec, my mom would often make my sister and me crepes for our birthday breakfasts.  The first crepe would have our first initial “stamped” into it with her spatula and we thought that was awesome.  When I got a little older, my special birthday dinner became a stuffed beef tenderloin with peppery sauce and mashed potatoes.  It’s still no doubt a favorite of mine, when fixed by mom.  Another birthday tradition when I was little, was to have my grandma make me a birthday chocolate cream pie.  Yea, no cake, always this mile-high pie that I often still crave.

Now that I live in the New York metro area with no family around to help celebrate, my guy always plans a special night out in Manhattan.  The restaurant is always kept a secret with me getting clues every few days as to the location or perhaps chef, as the big night gets closer.  What fun!!  Over the years, we’ve dined at Daniel, Bouley, Nobu and others that are foodie favorites.

This year, my girlfriends from Florida flew up to help celebrate the big 4-0 with me and some of my friends.  We I say that “we” celebrated, I mean that the two of them celebrated the fact that I’m no longer in my 30s and have FINALLY joined them in the 40s.  As we always do when they come visit, we had a foodie weekend with tons of diet-unfriendly grub.  I’ve enjoyed every minute of it.  Did you see the chocolate cream pie they made me that I posted a few days ago!??

I look forward to what’s to come in this new decade.  Onwards and upwards!





  1. nancy
    Twitter: Iceair1

    Great article..Chocolate cream pie Looked great!

  2. Thanks Nancy!