In the spring of 2020, Lenn Thompson, of The Cork Report, and Gina Shay, well-known to the local wine scene, launched an event called #openlocalwine at a time when local wineries were experiencing the most difficult of times with tasting room closures and various pandemic-related issues. I reported, promoted and participated in the 2020 event and am thrilled that the due will host this worthy event again in 2021.

The first #openlocalwine event of 2021 will take place on Saturday, April 10, 2021. The event not only helps your local wineries through wine sales, it’s also a great opportunity to celebrate with fellow local wine lovers.
To take part in #openlocalwine all you need to do is:
- Get a bottle of local wine (or cider) and open it Saturday, April 10.
- Enjoy it with a nice meal – either home-cooked for takeout from your favorite local restaurant.
- Post picture(s) of the wine or wines online – Instagram, Facebook, Twitter – using hashtag #openlocalwine. And tell us why you picked that wine (or wines) and who you are sharing it with.
- Raise a glass to the winemaker who made it.
- Drink it and enjoy it with your family.
Please also make sure that you @ mention the winery/winemaker as well as The Cork Report on Facebook, Twitter and/or Instagram (we are @ginashay1, @lennthompson and @corkreportmedia on the latter two).
Hope you’ll join us!!
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